10月17日,中国足协精英青训教练员国际交流培训班学员来到此地观摩东京FC U18梯队的训练。新华社记者张笑宇摄
紧邻U10场地的是东京FC U18梯队,一批来自中国远道而来的访客正在观看他们的日常训练。这次交流活动由中国足协举办,共有24名来自全国各地青训教练参加,他们赴日本与日本足协、东京FC及其他球队进行学习和互动。其中一个重要环节便是观摩职业俱乐部青少年培训团队的课程。
几位观察完训练后的教练不禁感叹:“他们所有的训练和比赛情境都是一致。”由于这些参与者多为执掌相似年龄段梯队,因此对整个过程中强度对抗以及球员投入程度深有体会。在交流中了解到,Tokyo FC 的U18运动员每周上午安排文化课,下课后直接到操场进行技术锻炼,并在周末踢一轮比赛。从教练角度看,这样看似短暂但效果显著。
This nine-day exchange program不仅包括职业阶层的一线教学,还涉及理论结合实际内容,由讲师授予相关知识。据前职业选手、日本足协青训专家本吉刚介绍,自J联赛成立超过30年以来,该联盟不断壮大,目前拥有60支分布于J1、J2、J3三级赛事中的球队,为国家代表输送源源不断的人才。同时自1998年至今,日本男篮连续七届入围世界杯决赛圈,与德国、西班牙等劲旅实力比肩.
The Japanese Football Association introduced a technical research group in the late 90s to conduct detailed data collection and analysis on international and domestic matches. This included identifying players from championship teams, understanding skills needed for future football development, etc., subsequently tailoring training plans by age groups: focusing on individual techniques at U12, small team coordination at U15, tactical awareness and teamwork at U18.
This approach of not merely copying successful systems but rather learning from diverse sources while adapting them to local conditions is one key reason behind Japan's success in youth training today.
Korean national player Han Peng shared his insights as he participated as an elite coach with Shandong Taishan Club during this exchange. "What struck me most was how passionately these young athletes love their sport," said Han. He believes that many budding talents domestically are equally gifted; what’s crucial between ages 10-15 is fostering autonomy through opportunities for play within supportive environments."
Youth talent needs guidance - skilled coaches who can provide meaningful mentorship are essential. Long Chuan Dazhong women’s youth head coach Sunny Na resonated deeply with this notion: “A batch of players entering our club around twelve or thirteen deserves immense investment both personally and collectively.” She emphasized that beyond just honing technical skills, nurturing life essentials requires attention too—coaches grow alongside their trainees which further contributes to why exemplary mentors remain scarce. P > < P >“Being a coach demands hard work especially when it comes down towards grassroots levels,” stressed Han again emphasizing retired pros should consider transitioning into coaching roles so they might cultivate fresh potentials thereby elevating overall standards soon enough!” < p > 在一次实践课程结束后,我们离开了被称作“梦球场”的专业培育基地,那扇门口醒目的话语或许正指引着未来:因梦想而成钢! 足球事业不是朝夕之间能够实现,而青春更需时间。而作为一个体育强国,它始终要依赖持久坚持科学化培养才能最终迎来辉煌成果.< / p >