周三竞彩篮球焦点战:尼克斯主场优势 vs 火箭挑战勇士
周三301 美职篮
亚特兰大老鹰 VS 纽约尼克斯
2024-12-12 08:00
NBA常规赛中,目前尼克斯取得15胜9负,是东部第四名。他们每场能得到117.8 分,同时失去111.0 分。在最近一轮对阵猛龙时,他们客场113比108获胜,其中复出的唐斯砍下24分并抓下15个篮板,还有布伦森贡献20 分和11 次助攻。本赛季以来,尼克斯已展现出极高的进攻效率,仅次于骑士。而面对昔日交手中的失败(116比121),控制好失误将是赢取这一次较量的重要因素。目前,在主場作戰時他們擁有8勝3負的不俗成績。
金州勇士 VS 休斯敦火箭
< p >2024 - 12 - 12 10 :30 em > p > < p >< u > 客隊 : 金州 勇士 u > p > < p > 勇士目前14勝9負 , 排名西部第五 。 球隊場均114 .1 得 到 , 同 時 每 场 平 均 被 對 手 投 中109 .2 篮 板 。 在 最近 一 場 比賽 中 , 他 們 主 場114 –106 戰 胜 森林狼 , 库里表現優異貢獻30 + 、 籃板數為4個以及 助 攻 為8 次 ; 而近期狀態回暖 的庫明加同樣斬 獲20+ 和7 回籠;首發希爾 德更 是收穫27 項佳 鐘! 本賽 季 常規 賽 已經兩度擊敗 火箭並且創造對其連續十五場制霸紀錄,不可小覷心理 優勢! < / P > < P >< U > 主 隊 : 雞頭 維 · 阿根廷火箭方面:The Rockets have a record of16 wins and eight losses, currently placing third in the Western Conference with an average score of113 points per game while allowing just106 points on defense.endThe most recent match saw them defeat the Clippers away from home with a scoreline of117 to106, ending their two-game losing streak; Jalen Green led the team with31points and four rebounds, followed by Amen Thompson's22points and eight rebounds.
P The Houston Rockets are known for their defensive prowess this season, ranking second only to Oklahoma City Thunder in terms of overall efficiency across all teams. They excel at physical play thanks to players like Dillon Brooks who can effectively challenge opponents' offensive strategies In preparation for facing off against Golden State Warriors once again they must pay particular attention towards defending against three-point shots as it has been one major issue previously faced when battling these strong rivals!注意: This article reflects solely the author's personal opinions and does not represent any official views from betting websites or related entities.
. All data presented herein is meant purely for reference purposes exclusively!