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周三305 美职篮 俄克拉荷马城雷霆VS克利夫兰骑士

时间:2025-01-09 08:00





K 骑士目前以31胜4负稳坐东部头名,每场能拿到122.5 分,但也有110.7 的失误记录。他们最近一役,在主場中以115-105打敗黄蜂,实现了10连赢。加兰斩获25 分, 米切尔19 分, 贾勒特·阿伦同样贡献19 分且抓下11 个籃板。这支团队被誉为本赛季最精准的投射小组,其中投篮命中率达到50.4%,三点球命中率高达40.4%。面对西部球队时保持全勝纪录,现在依旧保持18 胜1 負于家门口作战。然而,对手如狼似虎般强悍的防守将会考验这支勇猛之师——尤其是在之前那轮对抗凯尔特人的较量里,把绿军压制到了20%以下的三角进攻成功率。而此役对于騎士而言无疑也是一次重磅挑战。




  • 近六场交手,两队各自取得3 勝,各占优势。

周三310 美职篮 圣安东尼奥马刺VS密尔沃基雄鹿

< p > 时间:2025年01月09日 10:30 < p >< strong > 客队 :圣安东尼奥马刺 < p > 马刺现在拥有18 胜18 負 , 排名 西 部 第 九 。 场 均 得 到111 . 4 分而 且失去111 . 5 。 在 最近 一 场 比賽 中 , 馬 刺 于 客 場 不 敌公牛 (110 -114) , 曾 经领先多达19 点,却最终遭遇逆转。文班亚玛当晚获得23 、14 篮 和8 次盖帽的数据,加上保罗亦不甘示弱奉献18+6+9 的全面数据。今年他每仗都能稳定输出25 . 6 +10 .8 +3 .8 +盖帽等优异成绩,与去年相比提升明显。但今年客外表现实堪忧,仅收集60 %以上的不合格产值,也缺乏其他可靠火力支持,使这个团队整体实力显然不足。同时,该项赛事还显示出关键时刻缺少“硬解”困局的人才问题,让人倍感压力. < P >< Strong > 主 队 : 密 尔 沃 基 雄 鹿

The Bucks当前状态稍好些,以18 wins and a loss of ranking Eastern No.五的位置; 每天可以拿112 point seven points on average while losing to113 points in the game last time out against Toronto with an impressive score line of128 to104 win! Giannis Antetokounmpo made triple-double contributions at eleven rebounds twelve assists alongside his own scoring reaching twenty-five as well— Bobby Portis also added another useful contribution tallying up just about twenty along four other players who reached double digits too this season so far? Unfortunately though there’s concern regarding injuries affecting key player availability like Middleton or even Andre Jackson Jr., which could hinder their performance moving forward… Despite being ranked fifth overall after all these games played thus far however they’re still only holding onto less than sixty percent victory rate within home court advantage itself compared across league averages!

This matchup will be interesting considering how both teams have performed recently but ultimately it comes down whether those injured stars can make enough impact when needed most especially if AdetoKumpo himself ends up missing due health issues beyond control since he currently leads entire NBA stats averaging thirty-one plus per outing over others right now giving them huge edge whenever present during contests!

: Near six matches between each side show slight edges favoring bucks historically winning two more times total count standing around minus-four losses overall recorded throughout past encounters faced previously combined together before today’s showdown ahead tomorrow onwards coming soon next week then... stay tuned everyone else watching closely thereafter following suit afterwards later again hereafter... < / ul > < br /> **注意** : 本文章内所有观点内容皆属作者个人意见,不代表竞彩网立場所持见解!同时其中提到任何相关数据信息资料纯粹供参考用途使用!
The End
